What is Concierge Medicine (CM)?
- Concierge Medicine is a form of health care or clinic membership in which family medicine doctors provide medical care to patients.
- The family medicine doctors generally provide a cell phone number to allow patients to connect directly with their physician and 24/7 access.
- Also, these practices offer unhurried visits that last as long as it takes to address their needs.
- The practices also offer varying other amenities or medical services as well.
Is CM the same as Direct Primary Care (DPC)?
- Some equate CM and DPC and use these words and practice styles synonymously and interchangeably.
- Others provide notable differences, most commonly distinguishing membership plan variations, price, and/or the acceptance of health insurance for medical services or not.
Is Compassion Family Medicine (CFM) a DPC or CM clinic?
- We identify and promote our clinic most often as a DPC clinic, however we don’t utilize the CM nomenclature or term. Most often we use the CM terminology in explaining the difference between DPC and CM, as some are more familiar with one or the other term.
- However, we may not be exactly like other DPC clinics, such as variation in our membership prices (we try to be as affordable as possible) or services offered and we don’t accept health insurance.
- With that said, you may find that most DPC clinics vary as well, but have potential similar framework or concepts.
- No matter what, either way we are a family medicine clinic and we strive to provide you and your family the utmost high quality, affordable medical care.
Additional Information or Questions:
For additional questions about CM or DPC or our practice at Compassion Family Medicine in general, then please feel free to Contact Us.
Also, we welcome you to Sign Up as a new patient or Schedule an appointment as an existing patient. The Schedule page will provide additional information about a potential Meet & Greet visit as well.